Perfect timing: Parcel arrives, message arrives!


SmartFrank is cool,
SmartFrank is everywhere!

Millions of EAN codes on products in the supermarket, limitless barcodes on replacement parts and items of clothing, QR codes on adverts... The code world is endless, as are the capabilities of SmartFrank.

SmartFrank recognises and knows all common codes and makes them intelligent using its technology. Thanks to SmartFrank, customised and personalised digital content can be attached to any code. That’s simple, that’s genius and that’s cool.

SmartFrank is emotional marketing of the newest generation. For companies, service providers and anyone who wants to communicate perfectly with their customers.

That’s SmartFrank.

SmartFrank technology

How it was up until now: QR codes used for customer communication provide direct links to URL’s with identical content for all users. Personalisation is extremely laborious and time-consuming, as an individual QR code is required for each individual URL. Generally with QR codes, personalisation is avoided, and only static content is transmitted. The value in use for the user is therefore minimal.

Things are completely different with SmartFrank!

Every existing code on adverts, letters, parcels and products can be personalised using the SmartFrank app.

The SmartFrank scanner first records every common code and links it using the patent-pending technology with the telephone number of the smartphone and/or its serial number. Through this link, a unique code is produced, which is individually assigned to the registered user. The newly generated SmartFrank code is permanently stored, can be assigned multiple times and can be called up by scanning using the SmartFrank app. Using this technology, many customers can be individually addressed using one product bar code, for example.

The personalised digital content is stored and managed on high-capacity servers. Personalised B2C content is delivered via SmartFrank’s own web-based content platform.

What a good idea!

Every code becomes unique

The idea to attribute every code with mobile individual content is as simple as it is genius. So genius, that anyone who chooses to attach digital content to codes will find their way to SmartFrank sooner or later. Want to bet?

Hey you!

Me, you, guys ... Everyone!

SmartFrank facilitates perfect 1:1 communication completely individually tailored to your customers.
Curious? Then get in touch with us!


SmartFrank can coupon and provide direct links to shops and customised offers.


SmartFrank combines moving images and sound, has a multi-sensory effect and attracts attention!


SmartFrank is easy as pie to use. Everyone is capable of scanning codes today.


All targeting opportunities (weather, location, etc.) can be combined for the perfect message.


Anyone who starts scanning codes has more and more fun sharing them. SmartFrank is social and media!


Thanks to the analysis of user reactions, social advertising is highly effective and efficient.


With SmartFrank, the innovation company is one of the leaders in technology in the field of code-based and personalised communication solutions in mobile marketing.

As a first mover, GmbH is perfectly positioned in this growing market. With the internationally patent pending solutions in the field of code-based systems, GmbH is geared toward all companies who want to successfully push forward new dimensions of customer communication with mobile media and campaigns. GmbH was founded in 2012 by Andreas Fischer and Carl M. Nägele who are Managing Directors today. The sole shareholders are Aricum GmbH and Canlon GmbH. Among others, personalities such as Prince Wolfgang of Bavaria and Frank Marthaler are members of the Advisory Board.

Social Networking

Carl M. Nägele, Managing Directors

Join us

Android Developer (m/f)

We are looking for an Android Developer (m/f) to join our team as soon as possible.


Is Android development your passion, but you would also like to broaden your horizons? Looking to co-develop java back end applications or to support iOS developers? You can do this at ThePeople.

Through implementing and contributing to new features, you will play a role in continuously optimising the app. Our uncomplicated and flat hierarchies ensure that every employee can put forward their idea and directly share in the growth and success of ThePeople in doing so.


We are looking for a motivated and passionate developer (m/f) for the position of Android Developer (m/f). We offer you the framework to completely fulfil your potential and increase your knowledge.

  • A minimum of 1 year’s experience of Android development
  • A very good knowledge of Java
  • Enthusiasm for innovative ideas in app development
  • Capacity for teamwork, independent working, committed
  • Good knowledge of software design

Are you ready for ThePeople?

Be part of ThePeople’s success and send your application and supporting documents (letter of interest, CV, job profile, and earliest possible start date) to: GmbH
Frau Petra Stettner
Heilbronner Str. 30
D – 74223 Flein

Please call Petra Stettner under +49-7131-769930 for further information.

iOS Developer (m/f)

We are looking for an iOS Developer (m/f) to start as soon as possible.


Is iOS development your passion, but you would also like to broaden your horizons? Looking to co-develop java back end applications or to support Android developers? You can do this at ThePeople.

Through implementing and contributing to new features, you will play a role in continuously optimising the app. Our uncomplicated and flat hierarchies ensure that every employee can put forward their idea and directly share in the growth and success of ThePeople in doing so.

  • Conceptualisation, planning and managing the implementation of new mobile software solutions in iOS, Android, WP8 and on the server
  • Accepting, evaluating and prioritising new requests
  • Communicating with and managing external service providers and partners
  • Capturing/optimisation of development processes in conjunction with the individual teams
  • Coordination and feedback with other colleagues and the product organisation


We are looking for a motivated and passionate developer (m/f) for the position of iOS Developer (m/f). We offer you the framework to completely fulfil your potential and increase your knowledge.

  • A minimum of 1 year’s experience of iOS development
  • Very good knowledge of Objective-C
  • Enthusiasm for innovative ideas in app development
  • A good team player, independent, committed
  • Good knowledge of software design

Are you ready for ThePeople?

Be part of ThePeople’s success and send your application and supporting documents (letter of interest, CV, job profile, and earliest possible start date) to: GmbH
Frau Petra Stettner
Heilbronner Str. 30
D – 74223 Flein

Please call Petra Stettner under +49-7131-769930 for further information.


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